Monday 30 January 2012

Do Life Challenge - Week 4 recap - Buddy Up!

Week 4 of the Do Life Challenge had us buddy up with someone else doing the challenge, and I was very lucky to find Deb as a buddy! She lives in California and is making me slightly jealous with her awesome job!

I love that Deb sent through her goals like this, with a glass of wine. My kinda gal!

Deb's goals

Some of the challenges like getting to work by 8 were a bit tough since she was sick and couldn't go to work. But she's committed to drinking more water, which is fantastic! I've been remiss and don't know where she's up to with the others though! *bad buddy*

Deb is already pretty fit so wants to increase that by running regularly and doing more classes. She's done a couple of half marathons already, and has a 10km coming up next month and a heap of 5kms.

There's a HEAP of reasons why Deb is awesome and should win. So many they have to go in point form.

  • She runs races in costume. Awesome. 
  • She rocked the Week 3 Scavenger Hunt challenge. Check it out!
  • We share a similar theme song - Fighter by Christine Aguilera
  • She restarted her blog after discovering Ben Does Life. That's dedication to the cause right there! 
  • She's proactive - she approached me, and sent through her goals first, and basically seems to grab life by the horns, which is fantastic! 
  • Her cat is ridiculously cute. 
Go Deb! 

My goals

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