I love this time of year. The craziness of Christmas and New Year's is over, and it's a brand new year. Everything is filled with opportunity and there is a chance to wipe the slate clean and think about what you want the coming year to be.
I have many plans for 2013. One of my favourite things to do is go to the hills and hike for a while, find a nice spot to settle in and then go through my goals from the year before and see how it went. I didn't do this for 2012 which made it a little difficult to assess the year against my goals. Since it's been such a crazy year though it's not the end of the world. There were things I definitely accomplished, and things I didn't have on my list which I did accomplish, so it's all good.
I have a long list of things I plan on doing this year. Here's what I have so far:
2013 goals
- Do the splits
- Run uninjured (i.e. do stretches and exercises EVERY DAY)
- Drink no more than 6 alcoholic drinks per week
- Do the vertical splits for pole dancing
- 5 deadlift chin-ups
- Pay back uni debts
- Get my chest to the ground
- Start saving for a house
- Learn to surf
- Swim with great white sharks
- Be less bitchy and judgmental
- Be more calm
- Do more yoga
- Eat clean 70% of the time
- Make new friends
- Make fitness friends
- Go to the hills once a month
- Volunteer regularly
- See things through to the end
- Be more proactive
- Be disciplined
- Use social media less
- Lose 3kg of fat (more than happy to gain in in muscle)
- Be more loving
- Call my best friend more
There are too many items on the list and I know there are many items which don't have anything easily quantifiable. This is my wish list though, and I think I will start trimming it down into easily achievable goals. I also have something big planned for the coming year, so watch this space!
2013 - it's gonna be a good one!
;) |
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