- It was my kitty Scamper's 5th birthday yesterday. I didn't realise until today, but that means it's been almost 5 years since that little ball of fluff came into my life and made me deliriously happy.
- The Do Life Challenge. It's awesome, and I'm loving the forums. So many inspirational and interesting people.
- The cheeky glass of red I had last night. Yeah, one of my resolutions is not to drink on weeknights, but goddamn it was good!
- Getting a full 8 hours sleep last night for the first time in forever!
- Finally getting some wedding stuff sorted - photographer, almost celebrant (hopefully), and invitations are so close to being done! YAY!
- Sarah from SillyGrrl answered one of my questions about how she stays so fit and flexible doing aerial. It looks like stretching in front of the TV is a goer if I want to get bendy-flexy again.
- Organising my 30th birthday party for Sunday. It's a kids garden party. There will be fairy bread and party hats. It will be awesome.

What has been making you smile this week?
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