Friday, 25 May 2012

F*ck yeah Friday!

Sometimes I plan on doing a Things I Love Thursday, but then I forget. And F*ck yeah Friday has a much nicer ring to it, yes?

Things that have been making me smile this week: 
  • The Butterfly Effect, my favourite band, are doing their final tour before the lead singer departs. Tonight is gig #1 (we're going to 2). Bring.It.On
  • Going to the physio FINALLY for me knee. I have lots of IT band and other exercises to do and have to stay off it for a week, but this is progress
  • Getting up to date with How I Met Your Mother and Game of Thrones (not running means I have a heap of time!). Joffery...oh dear. 

  • Launching a new project at work. It will be awesome.
  • Home made baked potatoes with swanky cheese, great vegies, and a bit of salsa. Heaven on a fork. 
  • This picture right here. They told me I could be anything.

Have a great weekend! 

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Running update

I've had some good news and some bad news with running lately. I saw a running coach who suggested that I ease off running a bit and then build back up. I kind of did that, but I think I went too hard this week. I ran Sunday, Monday and Wednesday. Right after the Wednesday run my knee was sore. It stayed sore the next day too - not just a 'damn, my knee is a bit sore which means everytime I move it I'm doing damage sore', but actually sore. Although yesterday it didn't hurt at all.

Go figure. The marathon is definitely out of the picture, and possibly the half is, too.

In better news, one of my friends has just started running and she did her first attempt at a 5km today. I'm so proud of her! If anyone is going to keep at it and work hard, it's her.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Things I love Thursday

Well, it's been a while since I've showed some gratitude on the internet! Let's change that hey?

Things that are awesome:

  • Autumn in Melbourne. We missed the best of Autumn, but it is still insanely beautiful
  • Sticking to my training plans (both running and strength)
  • Eating relatively well and drinking relatively little (moderation people!)
  • Realising that work will be throwing some massive challenges at me and changing my mindset to make sure I rock them!
  • My new husband(!). Still a novelty :) 
  • Getting wedding photos from the photographer
  • Timeline by Michael Crichton. It's making my tram ride to work a joy
Crepe Myrtle in Autumn
Not my pic, but very similar to the colours atm
Bloody tree hugging hippies ;)

What's made you smile lately?

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Running in the rain

In keeping with the training plan, I thought I would go for a run at lunch time today instead of tonight because I'm going to a seminar on running motivation and achieving your goals etc.

However, it's raining, cold and I was very close to cancelling. Why not attend the motivational thing and then start putting it into practice?? I have internetting to be doing!

Luckily tossing two coins and being guilted by my colleague convinced me to go for a run. And it was good. A character building 7kms sharing smug looks with the other runners that were out there. 

Not so good? Realising the hard way that there is no hot water in the showers at work any more. Boo.