I know, I know, I'm a crappy blogger. It's been almost two weeks since the run and here I am writing now. In my defense, it's mainly me reading this blog, and I know what happened (I was there, after all!).
So, the day dawned crisp and clear. I woke up easily and took Cookie for a walk, which was gorgeous as the sun was rising but the stars will still in the sky. It was ironic to think that I was out at the same time that I would have been starting the half marathon *sob*
After a breakfast of toast and vegemite, and coffee, I caught the tram to the city. Along with half of Melbourne. It was great to see so many people up that early on a tram to go for a run. Good stuff Melbourne!
Gratuitous Melbourne photo from the expo |
I made it to warm up aerobics but couldn't see my colleague J anywhere, so joined in and felt like a fool. When it was over him and his girlfriend L found me and we slowly started getting ready. L kindly watched over our bags as she was injured and couldn't run.
As J and I were waiting in line I dispensed my first bit of advice (he was a virgin fun-runner): make sure your shoe laces are tied properly. He said he doubled knotted - I said double knots offended me. Little was I to know that I should have taken either my advice or his - I had to stop TWICE to do my laces during the run! Argh!
When we finally started running, I was kinda pleased to hear 'Everybody Runs' by the Butterfly Effect playing. Not only was it literally true, but I was getting a tattoo of their logo later that day so it seemed apt.
We started running, and I overtook J, then he overtook me, then I overtook him, and then he overtook me and that was the last I saw of him. He did it in about 50ish minutes (and raised more money than I did too!).
The run itself was...hard. My music wasn't giving me love, and I was pushing more than I would have liked because I really wanted to do well. In the half I was able to relax and just get in a zone, with the music choices being able to carry me along. This time it was all slow, mellow stuff (and no Disturbed at all - very upset), and overall it wasn't my best run. I finished it in 55.47, so under an hour, but I didn't love it.
The packed finish line (officially the line is too the left) |
Afterwards I caught up with J and L, collected my bag, got a free coffee (SCORE!) and waited for my friend A to finish. It was her first 5kms, and I was SO proud of her for doing it! She rocked it in 43 minutes or so, which was great. I'm not sure if I can put photos of her up here, so instead I'll put a photo of me that she took afterwards.
Highlight of the day though? Guide dogs!!!
Guide dogs! Which we could pat! |
Afterwards we went home then went out to get tattoos. That's a story for another day. Although interestingly, my thighs (ITBs) hurt for three days after the run. The tattoo I couldn't even feel. Strange turn of events indeed.